

Again this year, YGP has made a difference by inspiring young global talents to become the next-generation responsible and global-minded leaders, giving them a lifetime experience in intercultural understanding.

“Through this Journey, we have been inspired not only to think of and choose our own careers based on salary, but on how many lives we touch, and how we may affect change. We have learned how to agree to disagree in a respectful way, while also being curious to understand the reasoning behind our disagreement.” – Quote developed in teamwork by participants on the Learning Journey in Tanzania

Program of the 3-week Learning Journey

This year’s Global Talent Network was kick-started on the 3-week Learning Journey in Tanzania, August 2016, with 20 young talents from 11 countries participating . The Learning Journey was packed with activities, lectures and adventures to give a broad introduction to Tanzania as well as overall global trends and challenges. A few examples:

  • Meeting with Masai women engaged in advocating women’s rights
  • Meeting young elite entrepreneurs passionate about changing their communities
  • Visiting both a coffee and flower farm, meeting different tribes
  • Staying 4 days at SOS Children’s Village in Zanzibar
  • A lecture on bio-diversity followed by two days in coral reefs and mangroves
  • Insights into emotional intelligence, social business, globalization, global business, climate change and circular economy.

The Learning Journey also included deep conversations within the group (teamwork and structured BUZZ-talks) as well as reflection hours in the evening. The interaction between the participants was open and honest – and filled with joy and fun – both in formal and informal situations. The established Global Talent Network will continue for years to come through online seminars and other networking activities.



The network group consists of 20 young talents (age 19-22) from 11 countries: Brazil, China, Denmark, Indonesia, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Russia, South Africa, Tanzania, Turkey and USA. All participants had either been handpicked by YGPs esteemed partner universities from around the world or had gone through extensive application processes. Several thousand young people applied this year, and thanks to our scholarship partners, also talents from non-privileged backgrounds were able to join the group.


This amazing Learning Journey could not have happened without the support from our great global sponsors. Scholarship partners 2016 are: Accenture, Carlsberg, Credit Suisse, Matahari, Sabanci, Sberbank, United in Diversity Foundation, and Universitas Pelita Harapan.


  • All participants “agree” or “strongly agree” that they have been inspired to make a difference in this world
  • 19 out of the 20 participants ”strongly agree” that they have been inspired to make a difference in this world, and/or that they have been inspired to engage in social or environmental projects. These reactions most likely arise from the many experiences, discussions, and strong feelings activated by injustice and violation of human rights – just as they are inspired by meeting young role models from the Global Shaper Community of World Economic Forum, who have dedicated their lives to improving the lives of others
  • The participants gained deep insights in cultural differences and had many inspiring discussions about global challenges
  • The participants acquired a mature understanding of Tanzania’s cultures, challenges and opportunities – as well as witnessed how globalization is affecting the region
  • New friendships were established across countries, cultures and backgrounds. Further, the group has developed a formal network structure to assist them in continuing to inspire and help each other. Quarterly online seminars will form an important part of keeping the networks alive and vibrant.

World map


Participants from all over the world on the 3-week Learning Journey in Tanzania 2016.

Quote from Dr. Birgitte Hagemann Snabe, YGP Founder and CEO

“I am truly impressed by the group’s insightful and nuanced discussions about major global challenges. I am just as happy to note how the mutual respect and empathy manifested itself in the group during the course of the Learning Journey.”