
Today, we change tomorrow

This summer Young Global Pioneers successfully completed the third Learning Journey, returning to the beautiful Tanzania. Once again, YGP brought together young talents from all over the world for three weeks of personal growth. The focus of the journey was to inspire and ignite a global mindset, intercultural understanding and next-generation leadership.

“The journey has a way of making you think about how you think. It encourages an unmatched level of personal growth. It forces you to rethink the identity you have crafted for yourself.” – Evaluation quote by participant

Program of the 3-week Learning Journey

Throughout the Learning Journey, YGP strived to provide the Global Talent Network with a variety of unique experiences and learning opportunities, all designed to ignite curiosity, a sense of responsibility, and stimulate their ability to think outside of the box.
The Learning Journey was packed with activities, lectures, and adventures to give a broad introduction to Tanzania as well as overall global trends and challenges. A few examples:

  • Meeting young elite entrepreneurs passionate about changing their communities
  • Meeting with Masai women engaged in advocating women’s rights
  • Visiting a coffee farm, meeting different tribes
  • Staying 3 days at SOS Children’s Village in Zanzibar
  • A lecture on bio-diversity followed by exploring coral reefs and mangroves
  • Insights into social entrepreneurship, globalization, global business, climate change, circular economy, and emotional intelligence.

The Learning Journey also included deep conversations within the group (teamwork and structured BUZZ-talks) as well as reflection hours in the evening. The interaction between the participants was open and honest – filled with joy and fun – both in formal and informal situations.

Participants from diverse cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds

The 2017 YGP Global Talent Network consists of a group of 23 talents, age 19-25, selected from several thousand applicants. They come from: Armenia, Brazil, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Puerto Rico, Russia, Tanzania, Turkey, USA, & Vietnam. The variety in nationalities represented in the group ensures great cultural diversity, and helps to challenge preconceived notions about a given culture or nationality. Due to our scholarship model, participants from non-privileged backgrounds are also able to participate.

 Partnerships for finding and shaping next-generation leaders

This year’s Learning Journey could not have happened without the incredible help and support from our Scholarship Partners. The Scholarship Partners of YGP 2017 are: Accenture, Carlsberg Bequest, Mannaz, Otto Mønsteds Fond, Sabanci University, Sberbank, Scholae Mundi, The Shafik Gabr Foundation, and United in Diversity Foundation.


  • 100 % of the participants agree or strongly agree that the Learning Journey has helped them understand and feel with other people, and have the desire to learn or know more about their cultures.
  • 91 % of participants agree or strongly agree that they have developed an international network that they will use in their future.
  • 96 % of the participants agree or strongly agree that they have expanded their knowledge of the world and learned new things, challenging their traditional ways of thinking.
  • 91 % of the participants agree or strongly agree that the Learning Journey has inspired them to engage in social/ environmental projects.
  • 96 % of the participants agree or strongly agree that the Learning Journey has inspired them to keep an open-mind and be understanding towards different cultures and people from different cultures.
  • 100 % of the participants agree or strongly agree that they will use what they have learnt on the Learning Journey during future endeavors.
  • 96 % of the participants agree or strongly agree that the Learning Journey has inspired them to make a difference in this world.

The Global Talent Network continues for years to come

The network established on this Learning Journey will continue for years to come through quarterly online seminars as well as other networking activities – both arranged by YGP and independently by the young talents.

Quote from Professor Subramanian Rangan, INSEAD Business School & creator of YGP’s learning architecture

“At a moment where the institutions of the past no longer work well enough, and the institutions of the future haven’t yet been worked out, the task of reflection, pioneering, and stewardship becomes critical. YGP inspires and catalyzes reflection, pioneering and stewardship!”