July 10, 2023

Responsible Leadership & The Good Life

Looking back at the YGP Learning and Networking Lab in Oxford, August 2022: The last day, YGP had the great honor of hosting a workshop with Professor Subi Rangan from INSEAD Business School before lunch, and welcoming Professor Morten Kringelbach from Oxford University in the afternoon. Both professors had great insights relevant to the YGP mission of igniting aspirations as well as building character in future leaders. One takeaway was how our education systems focus almost entirely on building competence and very little on building personalities and characters. Another takeaway was a scientific insight into the Good Life with music, nature, food and other pleasures as well as helping with regard to mental health.

The two professors were our last speakers and ended the academic part of the YGP Learning and Networking Lab in Oxford. Thereafter, the 52 young talents from all over the world enjoyed a real Oxford experience with Punting and a farewell party in the evening. Our 30 online members could not take part in the Punting, but they were active and valuable participants of all the learning experiences during the last 5 days.